Thursday 3 December 2015

Blog tips; Transparent background

How to make your blog looking great!

1, Transparent background

1, My backgrounds have often a central part with a pattern or texture.
If you don't want Blogger to do this part in a color, usually in white, follow the steps below.

2, Go to the 'Design'. Choose 'Advanced'. Click here.
You see where in the image above.
(You see my image in Swedish, but I believe you can see where to click anyway).

3, Choose Backgrounds from the list. Click here.

4, Here are three boxes
'Outer Background', 'Main Background', 'Title background'.
For each of these you can open a box with a color chart,
where you select the box 'transparent'. Do this for all three boxes.

Now you should have a design that allows you to see my background
without any other color that disturbs.
Some of Bloggers templates still makes one color in the middle section.
If it would be so for you, the solution may be to use a different Blogger template.